Quality of Life changes

Hello, I have made some small quality of life updates to STT based on some feedback:

 - Those who have played my game all seem to want WASD support so I have added that

 - The hitbox on the player has been shrunk a little to make it easier to fit into 1 x 1 gaps

 - The game no longer attempts to create a high score file whenever it is run in a directory that doesn't have one and no high scores are present

I have also implemented a way to customize the controls in the game with the 'input_settings' file. There isn't a GUI to customize it at the moment (I might make one in the future, we will see about that) but if you really are interested in changing the controls, you can open the file in a text editor and the format of each line is 'key code = action' with 'key code' being a number corresponding to a key. An example would be "87 = Up" which means that if you press the key with key code 87 (The W key) you will jump or climb a ladder. I know this is a rather inconvenient method for now, but if you are interested in customizing the way the game reads your input, reference https://www.glfw.org/docs/3.3/group__keys.html for what each key's number is.

Anyway, have a nice day!

Get Scale The Tower

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